Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Anti-counterfeit packaging

Manufacturers need to protect their products from basically 3 types of counterfeiting activities mentioned below:

·         The first one is the use of old packaging, container, labels for counterfeiting.
·         Second one is black market counterfeiting in which counterfeiters make use of new packaging to create duplicate products. 

·         Third is usage of the goodwill of the original product to sell fake product.
So, manufacturers need to create packaging that is resistant to all three kinds of counterfeiting. The three principles of packaging used for protection against these kinds of counterfeiting can be explained in the following manner:-

Prevention against usage of old containers counterfeiting 

Small and medium sized counterfeiters do this kind of counterfeiting due to the limitations pertaining to their economic conditions. They often re-use the old packaging material of renowned products to pack in inferior quality products hence posing a threat to the goodwill of the brand image of the original product. 

The best way to prevent this counterfeiting is to make use of destructible packaging that can be used only once and gets destroyed as soon as it’s opened. 

Prevention against black market counterfeiting

This kind of counterfeiting is more difficult to deal with since it causes more damage to the goodwill because of its extensive reach in the market without too much outlay. Selling fake products in packing identical to that of original brand is not easily detectible and can pose a more dangerous threat than the first one.

Manufactures can implement two techniques to deal with it; one is to make the designing and packaging complex so that it cannot be easily copied. Second is to invest in Making tamper evident labels to avert re-use of labels or packaging.

Prevention against usage of goodwill of the brand by counterfeit

Big counterfeiters are economically strong and can make use of advanced technology to produce fake products. 

Anti-counterfeit technology like hologram labels, holographic holograms etc. can help keep duplication at bay as they are next to impossible to forge. 

Use of secret security – Covert technology -which is the use of invisible anti-counterfeit latent images which can be detected only by special detectors can be a good way to fight such counterfeiters. 

I have good relation with lasersec and done lots of articles for lasersec to describe main facility. Lacersec offers Anti-counterfeit packaging, Anti Counterfeit Labels, hologram stickers .

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Lasersec India is the manufacturer of security hologram stickers. Lasersec provides top line holographic products and solutions to the industries and companies for complete security authentication, brand imaging, brand authentication and counterfeit prevention.