Monday, December 17, 2012

Anti Counterfeit Labels: Safety and Style Guaranteed

One of the safest means of protecting your material is by using ‘Anti-Counterfeit Labels’! Now isn’t that efficient enough for preserving your brand name and produce? You’ll certainly avoid mistaking your month’s income with forged notes! Imagine the loss when your debit card is forged and buckets of money disappear from your account! Welcome to the era of technology where anti-counterfeit solutions have offered a security branch where anti-counterfeit labels and holograms are customized to maintain confidentiality.

What Are Anti-Counterfeit Labels?

Parts of anti-counterfeit technology, such labels are customized to prevent forgery and duplication. Here holographic technology is utilized to produce such anti-counterfeit labels and stickers that consist of codes imprinted within them. Apart from simply printing content that is visible to eyes, worldwide such labels are being encrypted with hidden codes and sequences that can be used for various purposes by the clients. Such codes may also be configured for the purpose of increasing the security assets such that the code is distinguishable by the track and trace program online. 

Using 3D image technology manufacturers have produced holographic labels that neither can undergo alteration nor can they be copied. So the process where such holographic technology is being utilized is a permanent fabrication which is stylized accordingly to the customer’s choices. Protecting your brand’s name and authenticity becomes crucial once your security systems are initiated and installed. Such labels produced are durable, resilient to change in temperature and climate as well as resist wear and tear depending upon their quality.

You can obtain originally produced anti-counterfeit labels that maintain holograms within and have been built to sufficiently resist corrosion and relapse. Apart from simply shielding the labels, you can also introduce covert images within the encryptions such that only detectors can recognize and display the image. This provides a means of translating important data without any external agent being able to access or decipher the coding sequences.

Benefits of Using Anti-Counterfeit Labels:

1.      Safeguarding: Products, papers and provisions like credit cards, passports etc are installed with anti-counterfeit labels to maintain the certainty of documentations. Hence once these labels are put into usage, one can ensure that confidentiality is regulated.

2.      Affordable and Easily Available: Holographic technology has become a trend now which is being initiated in every corporation’s manufacturing branch. This technique of permanently imprinting data and information on the labels protects the originality of the work and hence prevents forgery.

3.      Communication: Surprisingly such holographic labels which thwart forgery cases can be used to envelope messages and codes which are imprinted underneath the holographic image or text. We may also print images within the labels which can only be detected by the consumer’s agency hence sustaining the coverage access of the labels.

With such anti-counterfeit labels being introduced in the market, forgery has become less prominent though plenty of software and applications are being developed to defuse holography. However this technique of printing material permanently by laser technology efficiently sustains the originality of the material and inhibits simulators.

Lasersec one of best place to get Anti Counterfeit Labels to your firm to keep your product save. For more information visit to lasersec.   

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Lasersec India is the manufacturer of security hologram stickers. Lasersec provides top line holographic products and solutions to the industries and companies for complete security authentication, brand imaging, brand authentication and counterfeit prevention.